With the new iPhone X scheduled to be released soon, we find it appropriate to highlight a few smartphone apps that can make co-parenting easier. We find that the root of many problems between parents stems from communication, or the lack thereof. A parent can feel...
child custody and support
Revisiting parenting time difficulties during Halloween
A few weeks ago, we posted on some of the difficulties that divorced and separated parents may encounter when Halloween comes around. Essentially, disputes may arise when both parents want to take the child trick-or-treating in their respective neighborhoods. With...
What is considered in relocation cases?
Child custody disputes can be particularly difficult when the prospect of relocation arises. It is fairly common for a parent to want to move to another city to pursue a new job, or simply to start a new life. Indeed, the prospect of this can be emotionally painful...
Parenting time difficulties at Halloween
With Halloween less than three weeks away, it is important for divorced and separated parents to think about what parenting time will be like on their child’s second favorite night of the year (with Christmas Eve likely being their favorite). Basically, parents who...