If you are in the midst of a divorce, or have recently filed a petition for dissolution, chances are that you will be required to take part in a settlement conference. For those unfamiliar with this type of meeting, it is similar to mediation, in that it is an...
Month: September 2017
How to cut costs in a divorce
If you feel like you should not spend more on your divorce than you did with your wedding, you are in good company. Few people really want to spend the money it takes to go through a litigated divorce. Indeed, your emotions may lead you to believe that a divorce has...
Should you plan for the holidays now?
With Labor Day behind us, retailers are putting out Halloween decorations and candy even though the end of October is still more than a month away. Even more troubling (or exciting depending on your sensibilities) some retailers are already making holiday decorations...
Back to school may be a good time to review custody arrangements
It's back! Autumnal weather, backpacks, new schoolbooks and new schedules. Extracurricular activities can send kids and parents in many directions. New friendships can blossom around the corner or across town. Transportation can turn into an Olympic sport for some...
How to keep your retirement savings intact during your divorce
You worked hard for years to ensure that you and your spouse would have enough money to get you through your retirement. Things may suddenly change if you and your spouse decide to get a divorce. The costs of divorce, especially if contested, combined with your...