Have Your Circumstances Changed? You May Need To Modify An Existing Order.
Prior Judgments can be modified by filing a Complaint for Modification in the Probate and Family Court. However, in order to have grounds for filing such an action, there must exist a material change in circumstance. This can include a change in income for modifying child support orders, or a change in a parenting schedule due to a child’s increasing age.
Generally, orders pertaining to property division cannot be modified. However, orders pertaining to children, health insurance, college expenses and even alimony are often modifiable. We can help you determine whether your existing Judgments are subject to a Complaint for Modification due to:
- New job
- Loss of employment
- Child’s emancipation
- Increased extracurricular activities
- Remarriage
- Child commencing college
- Desire to move out-of-state
Schedule an appointment with the Law Office of Leila J. Wons, P.C., to discuss your change in circumstances.
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We can help with any family law issue – from alimony to paternity. Please call 508-986-9406 or send us an email through our website to schedule an initial appointment.